Impact of Fractures

1. Debilitating impact of fractures

FLS Info Sheet 1.0

2. Fracture beget fractures

FLS Info Sheet 2.0

3. Post-fracture osteoporosis care gap

FLS Info Sheet 3.0

4. Hard lessons learned in post-fracture care

FLS Info Sheet 4.0

FLS can improve care

5. FLS: The solution to narrow the osteoporosis care gap

FLS Info Sheet 5.0

6. Fracture Liaison Service (FLS) defined

FLS Info Sheet 6.0

7. Pivotal role of the FLS coordinator

FLS Info Sheet 7.0

8. The science of FLS

FLS Info Sheet 8.0

9. FLS: Clinical effectiveness

FLS Info Sheet 9.0

10. Why focus on secondary fracture prevention

FLS Info Sheet 10.0

FLS and costs

11. The impact of fractures on Canadian healthcare costs

FLS Info Sheet 11.0

12. Financial considerations to implement an FLS

FLS Info Sheet 12.0

13. Cost savings of an FLS

FLS Info Sheet 13.0

14. Canada’s aging population and incidence of hip fractures.

FLS Info Sheet 14.0

FLS implementation

15. FLS: An internationally recognized standard of care. ALERT: FLS is rarely offered in Canada

Info Sheet 15 thumbnail

FLS Info Sheet 15.0

16. Osteoporosis Canada’s FLS Registry: Recognizing effective FLSs

FLS Info Sheet 16.0

17. Implementing an FLS for your orthopaedic service

FLS Info Sheet 17.0